
Buy your PennyPixels to have your image on display at every Geek.Zone event, for a whole year. This could be your company logo, a picture of your face, or anything else you like!

!How it Works
Each pixel;
* is 1mm x 1mm
* can be any single CMYK colour
* costs just GBP£0.01!

Once you purchase your pixels, you simply send us an image that contains the number of pixels you requested.

Images can be anything family friendly. The following are specifically not allowed;
* Porn
* Drug-related
* Illegal activities
* Inciting hatred
* Inciting discrimination & bullying
Some examples of images that you might like to display might include but are not limited to;
* Your face
* Your logo
* [|Ninja Cat Riding a Unicorn]

{addtocart description=”BannerPixel” code=”P1″ price=”0.01″}

~tc~ (alias(PromotedPixels)) ~/tc~