Health and Safety Policy


This is the health and safety policy of Geek.Zone.

This policy applies from 2021-05-12 (YYYY-MM-DD).

Geek.Zone is committed to protecting the health and safety of its members, employees, workers and subcontractors (“staff”) and takes these obligations very seriously.

This document sets out how Geek.Zone approaches health and safety together with its and its staff’s respective health and safety obligations.

Aims of this Policy

The aim of this policy is to create a community in which:

  • working conditions are safe and healthy;
  • accidents, injuries and cases of work-related ill health are prevented;
  • health and safety risks in our workplace are minimised;
  • staff receive clear instructions, relevant information and adequate training to enable them to do their work in a safe manner;
  • all staff receive the relevant personal protective equipment;
  • there is an open dialogue between staff and managers in relation to matters affecting everyone’s health and safety;
  • plant and equipment is safe and well maintained;
  • all substances and stored and handled in a safe manner;
  • emergency procedures are well developed and tested, including evacuations in case of fire or other significant incident;
  • health and safety is an issue at the front of everyone’s mind.


Health and safety is the responsibility of everyone at Geek.Zone. We all must be aware of health and safety risks in the workplace and in our venues.

At Geek.Zone:

  • James Geddes, Chair, has overall and final responsibility for health and safety; and
  • The Chair has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
  • If staff have any questions about health and safety at Geek.Zone they should contact the people listed above, or their line managers.

Geek.Zone expects and requires its staff to:

  • co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters;
  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
  • keep their workspaces clean, tidy and hazard free; and
  • report all health and safety concerns to their line managers or the people listed in section 3.2.

Risk Assessment

Geek.Zone will complete risk assessments in relation to its business activities and take action to mitigate the risks it and its members & staff face.

Risk assessments will be reviewed both periodically and whenever working habits or conditions change.


Geek.Zone will provide its staff and subcontractors with:

  • a health and safety induction; and
  • training appropriate to the job roles its staff fulfil.


Where required, Geek.Zone will provide its staff with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).

Where, further to a risk assessment we deem it necessary, Geek.Zone will install prominent health and safety warning signs at relevant locations (e.g. next to dangerous machines or in areas where health and safety hazards exist).

Geek.Zone will either display the Health and Safety Executive Law Poster prominently in each of its workplaces or furnish all of its staff with the Health and Safety Executive’s leaflet.

Staff and Member Consultations

Where relevant, Geek.Zone will consult with its members and staff on matters of health and safety.

Staff and members should, at any time, raise any health and safety concerns that they have with their line manager or the people listed in section 3.2.

Fire Safety

Geek.Zone takes its fire safety obligations seriously and maintains an up-to-date fisk assessment.

Fire escapes will be kept clear and well signed at all times, fire extinguishers will be properly maintained, and our fire evacuation plan will be tested from time to time.

Mental Health

Geek.Zone is committed to ensuring the mental health of its members and staff. It will implement processes and procedures to ensure the mental wellbeing of its members and staff.

Remote Working

Where staff are working remotely (either permanently or temporarily), Geek.Zone will make arrangements to ensure this is done in a way which that with health and safety law.