
Geek.Zone/Minecraft is the fourth District of Geek.Zone and is currently the only one in virtual reality. It is a Minecraft Java Edition server, so if you are new to Minecraft, get that.

When you first join, get your essentials and build a hut. You need something to survive the night!

How to Get There

There are three simple steps to follow to join us in Geek.Zone/Minecraft.

  1. Join Geek.Zone
    It’s only £1+donation each year! Include your Minecraft username in the box.
  2. Wait
    We currently manually add new usernames on Sundays but are working on automating this. Feel free to give us a prod on Discord.
  3. Open your Minecraft viewer and add an external server



Geek.Zone/Minecraft is a “Hard Survival” world so that you get the full Minecraft experience. It is not, however, set to “Hardcore” as banning you because you died would be a bit harsh! If you would like Geek.Zone to have a “Hardcore” server, donate now!


We try to keep the world running as close to 24/7 as possible. The one exception is at 0700 every day when we close the world for a few minutes to take a backup. The server is rebooted at this time.

World Map

We are working on providing a Google-maps-style map so that non-members can take a look at our world before they join. This will likely use [https://papermc.io/forums/t/1-13-2-1-16-4-bluemap-a-minecraft-map-in-3d/4939/5|Bluemap], so join us on ((Discord)) for updates!


We are more than happy for you to AFK at GZ/MC. Remember,

  • When you stop moving for 60 seconds
    • The world will announce that you are AFK
    • Your in-game name will be prefixed with “AFK” (press tab to view)
  • Spawn proof the area that you AFK in – returning to find that your avatar has died and your diamond armour has despawned is, well, unpleasant.
  • Expect to be booted from the world at 0700 – see “Availability” above


Geek.Zone/Minecraft is available to all Geek.Zone members.


Geek.Zone/Minecraft has a few simple rules, just to make things clear. These are in line with the existing Geek.Zone ((Constitution)) and ethos and are just to ensure that everyone knows what to expect. This is to ensure the enjoyment of everyone that visits Geek.Zone/Minecraft.

  • Respect what others build
    Griefing is the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering. Don’t do it!
  • Respect the stuff that others collect
    Geek.Zone/Minecraft Miners work hard to build their resources in Geek.Zone/Minecraft and with the exception of Build Challenge prizes, everything is eared in Survival. If it’s in the Community Chest, its for everyone. If it’s in a house or other base, it belongs to someone.
  • Take some, share some.
    The Community Chests are available for all and have been filled by Community Contributions. Nothing has been God-ed in. If you need something, feel free to take it, just remember to share too using the “Community Contributions” chests located in HQ.
  • Farm responsibly
    Too many mobs can lead to server crashes, which prevents others from enjoying the server until an admin can rectify the issue. Please ensure that you farm responsibly by “converting” your livestock to items regularly so that everyone can enjoy GeekZone/Minecraft and remember to check the Community Chest before you build. If you enjoy huge fams, help upgrade the server by ((donate|donating now))!
  • Have fun!
    Geek.Zone/Minecraft is a fun place to meet people and create awesome stuff, so jump in! Anyone found to not be having fun will be banned!!! (Obviously, this is a joke!)


Post a Mod Installation Request on the Geek.Zone/Minecraft Discord if you have found a mod that you think would be interesting to your fellow Geek.Zone members. If you would like a feature to be made available, but have not been able to find a mod for it, post that too and everyone will be able to suggest suitable mods.

Useful Places



Our town, Geekstock, is located at 158,70,123. Meet us there!

Skelly Farm

Outside HQ, you will see our rail line to our Skeleton XP farm. This allows you to AFK and get lots of XP, as well as useful items in the HQ Community Chest.

Main Nether

There a Nether Fortress at 417 45 27.

Nether Roof

We have a network of portals on the Nether roof, which allow long distance over world travel. These have the following coordinates.

0, 128, 00, 70, 0
0, 128, -50018, 83, -3994
0, 128, -10004, 14, -7985
0, 128, -1500-11, 82, -11991

We are in the process of building an ice road for faster boat travel between the Nether portals.


Join our Discord server to be able to speak to other “residents”.


Geek.Zone is great, but with your support, together we can build an even better Geek.Zone!